Wednesday, 9 February 2011


waktu duduk sorang-sorang tunggu bus komuter tadi, lepas habis kelas malam yang tertambah waktu asal. waktu mula-mula nak duduk dekat bus stand tuh, aku dah aim tempat paling hujung sekali, pastu pandang bawah kalau boleh tak nak dongak kepala, dalam hati toksah cakap la, ayat kursi memang ulang banyak-banyak kali lagi-lagi bila nampak lelaki duduk kat hujung lagi satu. rupanya seorang pak cik yang katanya tunggu anak dia balik kerja pukul11.

bila pak cik yang duduk kat sebelah hujung tuh tegur, tanya tahun berapa, duduk hostel mana. aku cuma jawab sepatah dua. sambil tangan konon-konon sibuk belek hendfon tak ada kredit. bila pak cik tu mula cakap perkara indah ditelinga suruh belajar rajin-rajin, macam ayah kita selalu nasihat kita, rasa takut tuh makin kendur. kemudian bila bas dah datang, waktu aku nak mula bangun, bila pak cik tuh mula kata,

"dah malam macam ni, hati-hati, jaga diri, orang sekarang kita tak boleh percaya sangat, kalau takut istighfar banyak-banyak"
(selepas diubah suai dari loghat penang)

waktu tuh, rasa takut tuh dah hilang terus. dan bertukar jadi segan, sebab tadi hati aku ada persepsi negatif pada orang yang baik begini.

'... kita dah sampai di satu dunia yang sekelilingnya kucar-kacir,  sampai bila kita jumpa seseorang (stranger) kita terpaksa bina persepsi buruk dahulu, sebelum akhirnya kenal benar-benar tentang dia'

sedih kan??


Mad Maureen said...

Oh, i felt you. It is normal to have that kind of perception... Don't feel bad. We are girls, it is one of the steps of self-protection.. At least, towards the end, you realized that he is a good person.. :) And it was a lucky encounter to meet a good stranger such as him.

Most of us always build negative perception first to be on the safe side.

Last time, sebab jarang keluar rumah (kalau keluar pun dengan family ja), I used to trust stranger easily and my sister always advised me to be more careful.. So from that time onwards, I always built an invisible wall with stranger, unless after I know the stranger better through small chat, then I will only be a little warm towards him or her.

Sometimes, funny enough, mungkin kerana karma, the role is reversed heheh. Strangers were the one who built the negative perception about me because I selalu keluar or balik lewat malam... hahha.. i sensed this from the way they stare at me and whispering among themselves. (-_-") aiyak.. jatuh saham aku. Mesti diaorang ingat aku balik clubbing ka apa.. adei.. hahah...

Kiki said...

hahaha.. maybe apa yg kita slalu fikir pd org, mgkin org itu pun fikir sama mcm kita... memng roda hidup ini, haih :)

true maumau, my father selalu pesan jangan easily smile or talk with strangers...

jd selalu membuat muka garang bila takut jln sorng2, so that ppl think twice utk approach me, heee

sometimes, even they look so nice, but we still need to hav some doubt towards them...

org sekarang nmpk baik but we never know their intention, lg2 kalu kita sorang2, malam pulak...

maumau, if u're alone, do take care!

Mad Maureen said...

thanks Kiki~! U too take care...!

Geez, I use my payung as perisai to protect myself now if walking alone tengah malam.. ahaha.. last time, i have a cousin who brought kayu on her hand when walking malam2.. haha.. tapi itu bahaya jugak sebab terlampau obvious.

especially dlm bas sesak kan (tiba2 keluar topic hahah) , that's the place where sexual harassment always occur.. i ever saw a group of immigrants in rapid bus, where one of the immigrants, he touched a school girl's waist when she passed by in front of him, and i was really mad at myself cause i didn't marah him. i was a coward, thinking that he would do the same if i try to be hero.. haish. sori that you have a coward fren here... adei.. (-_-")

tapi entah macam satu blessing, tiba2 ada bau kentut dlm bas rapid tu.. so itu menyebabkan that group of immigrants couldn't try to touch new mangsa's body part anymore since one of their hands occupied in tutup hidung while the other hand berpaut to the tiang dlm bas rapid.. :D happynya masa tu wpun diri sendiri pun terpaksa tutup hidung. (disclaimer: tak, itu bukan bau kentut aku)

ya, sometimes cannot trust people just by the way they look kan... betul tu.. just sebab dia berpakaian and smile macam orang baik, tak semestinya baik. rambut sama hitam, hati lain2.. :)

so like my sister always do and advised me to do the same hahah, kalau la stranger ajak small chat ka apa, reveal the least info about yourself. or reka2 cerita tipu hahah. kalau stranger dah mula nak mintak hp no, nampak sangat sudah diorang ada niat..