Thursday, 6 January 2011

Hidup adalah musim

hidup adalah musim,
sesekali mengunung hamparan kenangan,

Waktu tu aku lupa, sambungan sajak Siti Zaleha M. Hashim ini. Biar kemudian lupa terus.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


We thought a day and a night of steady rain
Was plenty, but it's falling again, downright tireless.
I like it well enough, the mild crackle
In the alleyway, lulling or minatory, either way
Full of the freshness of life.  Much like words.

But words don't fall exactly; they hang there
                                          ~ Robert Mezey

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

All can utter words, but only few can make it happy (;

in utterance,
we dont judge it by true or false,
but we see whether,
happy utterance,
unhappy utterance.

then, how can we make happy utterance?

do what we said,
we contribute happiness in each of it.

setiap kata-kata yang diucapkan,
kita bukan menilai dari salah atau betul,
tapi kita lihat samada,
kata-kata yang gembira,
kata-kata yang tidak gembira,

jadi bagaimana untuk membuat satu kata-kata yang gembira?

buat apa yang kita kata,
pasti kita menyumbang kegembiraan dalam setiap kata-kata kita.

this is not about, actions speak louder than words,
its about actions that should come together with the words.

*omg, my translation worse than google translate, HAHA
**Speech act theory yang telah berjaya aku rosakkan, heee ;) guess what? pukul9 karang exam for discourse analysis.

doakan sitinurshakirah ini :)

p/s: i just loves the relation of happy with sentence, macam cute gila, satu sentence pun perlu gembira dan bahagia.. apalagi manusia kan??