Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 October 2010

.40 perkara a survey

[1] Are you straight? yes!!

[2] Where is your default picture taken? profile pic? its taken at quensbay

[3] What is your middle name? siti nurshakirah suhaimi, so i guess nurshakirah la kot kan?

[4] Do you have a crush? perhaps

[5] Does your crush like you back? *grumbles* i dont know

[6] What is your current mood? lost and mengantuk

[7] What are you looking forward to? to sleep

[8] What makes you happy? people that i love happy

[9] Look at a poster in your room, what's on it? no poster, just some reminder notes about assignment

[10] What are you not looking forward to? to keep awake like this while my rumate tidor dgn happy, sucks

[11] If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be? i dont want to be any

[12] Have you ever had a near death experience? yes, sebab bengong pegi lintas jalan tanpa tengok plus rabun, almost got hit by car, i just simply stand there sebab terkejut and the driver was crying sgt teruk, alhamdulillah takda apa

[13] What was the last phone conversation you had about? oh kavitha called me tadi and ask me to gmail some notes to her and ratha

[14] The song stuck in your head? vanilla twilight

[15] What is your desktop background? black background as mcrsoft just detect my window are not original, hahaha and i cant change to other background plus malas nak format

[16] what are you wearing? shirt, speck and kain batik, heeh

[17] When was the last time you cried? last night while reading the real story behind "vanilla twilight" songs, super sad!!!

[18] Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? nope and never

[19] If you could have a super power what would it be? psychic, to read somebodys heart

[20] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? tak pakai tudung

[21] What do you usually order from Starbucks? tak penah g starbucks pon, haha

[22] What's your biggest secret? i want it to remains secret, hehe

[23] Who makes you the happiest? orang-orang yang i sayang

[24] Who makes you the most depressed? hah,

[25] Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? when with ecah, oh yes i watch it,haha

[26] What are you eating or drinking at the moment? coffe plus tesco's chocolate drink, mixed it together, super sedap!! haha

[28] What's your favorite smell? my mum

[29] If you could describe your life in one word what would it be?? sitinurshakirahsuhaimi

[30] When was the last time you had a hug? last night! mel hugged me as she'd go to perhimpuan anak serawak at upm

[31] What do you want most in life? happy family dunia ilal akhirat

[32] What/who are you thinking about right now? faraway star 

[33] What should you be doing? sleeping but i cant sleep, huh

[34] What's you favorite candy? chocolate

[35] How often do you laugh? depend on my mood

[36] Do you like working in the yard? sometimes ketika kerajinan melanda

[37] What are you doing this week? assignment, assignment

[38] Do you act differently around your crush/significant other? i'm singlet but i think that, we shud just act the way we are, thats the best way,

[39] Who was the last person to make you cry? adam young the singer of owl city by his blog

[40] Did you lie at all during this survey? nope

Thursday, 10 June 2010

.tag happy dari ciek niena

Eden is that old-fashioned house we dwell in every day
Without suspecting our abode until we drive away.
~Emily Dickinson

tag dari ciek niena

tengs ciek niena untuk tag gembira ini!! sangat berbesar hati
smile for u:)

*are you happy right now?*
sikit kot... heee~ 
tapi pagi tadi happy lebih sikit dari sekarang :)

*why are you happy?*
now~ happy yg sikit sebab bosan dok sensorang si farah keluar ehem2..hahaha
pagi tadi~ sembang membang ajaib dgn kawan2 lama tak jumpa, padahal baru sebulan.. ngeee~

*what are things that will make you happy?*
manyak dan manyak... kalau sekarang, happy untuk tag happy ini dari ciek niena :)

*have you received a tag before?*
adela kot sekali dua,hehe

*name the colours you liked*
hijau, biru ngn kuning

*name 9 bloggers you want to tag*
sebenarnya tak kenal ramai blogger pong, selalu jd silent reader jek... aiseh

*write about the people you tagged. anything will do*
rasenye tak tagged sesapa pong tadi... heee~

*are you happy with what you have now?*
Alhamdulillah~ tapi untuk menghappykan orang lain kena improve diri dengan lebih banyak~ masih banyak cenget and cengeng, huuu~

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

.cik kiki.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

.tentang 22 dan saya..heee

thanks Mad Maureen untuk award ini. haiseh, rasa amat berbesar hati, walaupun anda cuma tagged saya untuk 7 perkara, kerana sudah habis exam dan perasaan gembira yang berterusan saya telah dengan muka tak malu berbesar hati membuat 22 perkara tentang diri ~weee
*by the way, 22 itu untuk umur sendiri pada tahun ini (eh seharusnya 21 perkara sebab my hari lahir adalah amat lambat lagi... owh tapi bila sudah terlajak kata, tidak boleh diundur kembali)hehe

notapenting: perkara yang tersenarai bukan ikut chronological, jadi no satu dan dua tidak boleh berbangga kerana dalam banyak-banyak mungkin no sembilan belas adalah penting dan mungkin juga no sembilan belas juga tidak penting~ owh membebel...

satu~ nama saya siti nurshakirah suhaimi. perkara penting tuh...

dua~ saya seorang kakak yang garang dan juga pendek. 

tiga~ saya tidak sombong. orang selalu menganggap saya sebagai seorang yang sombong dan takut untuk menegur,heh... padahal bila bersembang lama baru tahu perempuan ini sebenarnya amat gila-gila dan mereng.

empat~  saya lebih sanggup tengok cerita hantu yang mengerikan daripada tengok cerita pembunuhan kejam, dan kalau untuk cerita hantu, walaupun hantu keluar err maksudnya dari movie secara tiba-tiba masih tidak terkejut compare dengan cerita seorang manusia di potong-potong dan di mesin. ketika sedang suka-suki berjalan jalan di tepi pantai. Kalau tengok cerita hantu dengan adik-adik (padahal minta adik temankan), saya akan jadi tukang inform "okeh hantu dah keluar, adik boleh tutup mata sekarang" dan sekarang tengah kumpul collection cerita hantu untuk mengusik tengok dengan adik kat rumah~heee

lima~ saya suka bercakap err bukan terlebih banyak bercakap. dan banyak kali didenda oleh cikgu kerana permasalahan ini. tapi tak pernah berubah, heee...

enam~ saya jarang tengok berita dan amat tidak tengok berita. saya cuma suka membaca surat khabar, internet untuk tahu berita. kadang-kadang kalau balik rumah, saya akan kutip surat khabar lama dan baca berita walaupun berita itu sudah lama~ tiada istilah berita basi dalam kamus hidupku..haiseh....

tujuh~ saya cuma pandai buat kek coklat selebihnya tak tahu,hahahaha..(cerita dengan perasaan bangga,heee) dan cuma ayah sahaja yang mengkata ianya sedap pada setiap tahun, *buat kek pada hari raya sahaja (seorang perempuan yang malas dan kedekut)

lapan~ setiap hari pertama balik rumah, malam pertama, saya akan tidur dengan emak.

sembilan~ terlalu suka tengok bintang, dan sedang mengumpul duit untuk membeli teleskop. :)

sepuluh~ seperti maureen, i believe in singlelicious... dan saya percaya, kalau kita ditakdirkan bersama, kita akan bersama no matter what, saya juga tidak menilai lelaki melalui kekacakan atau kehenseman,  saya melihat perkara bengong-bengong yang orang lain tidak kisah

sebelas~ i'll do everything untuk bahagiakan mak ayah dan my adik-adik, owh itu juga termasuk tellypot (my kucing aka anak angkat ayah).

duabelas~ tabiat buruk, malu nak cakap; kadang-kadang tercakap dalam tidur, amat memalukan kerana si iqa (rumate sebelum) dan sya (rumate sekarang) selalu terdengar percakapan itu dan saya amat tidak menyedarinya...heeee macam "adakah betul itu aku??"

tigabelas~ sukar tidur malam, selalu pukul 3,4 pagi pon masih tak dapat tidur.

empatbelas~ rabun. pakai spek sejak dari tingkatan satu hingga sekarang, selalunya siang pakai lens dan malam baru pakai spek, dan bila tidak memakai kedua-dua perkara ajaib ini, jangan terkejut kalau tidak membalas senyuman sesiapa~ngeee 
sebut pasal spek, selalu terlupa letak spek dan spek hilang tanpa dapat dikesan, atau terlalu cemerkap sampai terpijak spek sendiri... terlalu nyanyuk

limabelas~ suka tengok cerita p.ramlee berulang ulang kali dan masih ketawa tak sedar diri.

enambelas~ suka dengar lagu dan cuma dengar satu lagu dalam playlist dan repeat berulang kali tanpa henti 
owh saya memang perempuan yang membosankan...heee

tujuhbelas~ suka tengok movie tamil dengan ayah. dan walaupun saya ada dekat usm, ayah akan texted me dan kata "kakak, hari ni ayah tengok cerita ini dan ini, best" dan saya akan baca dan rasa amat sedih kerana tak dapat temankan ayah tengok,heee

lapanbelas~ saya suka barang murah, jualan murah dan apa sahaja yang murah:) aplikasi survivor di Usm,heeehehe

sembilanbelas~  saya suka membaca, dan jika jumpa sesuatu buku yang best, sorry apa yang berlaku sekeliling takkan dilayan.. suka bau kedai buku, suka perasaan tengok buku especially kalau buku-buku murah kat kedai secondhand bookstore... murah dan best, tapi still duit tak cukup untuk beli.

duapuluh~  suka makan, makan dan makan dan menaruh impian untuk diet sejak tingkatan satu tapi tak pernah memulakan langkah diet.. masih juga, makan, makan dan makan. aiseh

duapuluh satu~ paling suka cerita the time travellers wife, a walk to remember and he just not that into you..berkali-kali tengok dan masih ulang dan ulang.. repetitive syndrome behavior..heh

duapuluhdua~ sekarang lapar dan sudah penat la pulak menaip 22 perkara tentang saya ini. yesh.. nasib baik sudah habih...

saya ingin tagged sesiapa sahaja yang ingin ditagged, dan kalau sesiapa itu rasa 22 adalah banyak, atau sikit  sila buat sebanyak mana yang anda suka...heee


Sunday, 2 May 2010

.ruang rindu

mari main kuiz shuffle playlist*terjumpa notes ini di facebook, silakan main sesiapa yang mahu. Rule yang terpenting adalah "sila tulis lagu yang keluar dari playlist anda walaupun seberapa pelik bunyinya lagu itu". then anda boleh bermain* bagi yang sedang menstadi untuk exam, ianya tidak memakan masa yang amat lama, haiseh...

1.Put your playlist in ur mp3/player on shuffle
2.For each question, press the next button to get your answer

kasih tercipta    *motto yang amat gediks diri ini pernah mendengarnya..heeee

Jejak langkah yang tinggal     *tetibe la pula, nape nie tawan-tawan....hahaha

nafas cahaya  *cahaya bergerak lurus, pengetahuan sains darjah4....hahahaha

4.WHAT IS 2+2?
without you    *apakah??

biarlah rahsia    *owh sesuatu yg akhirnya boleh gak connect dengan ayat

big girls dont cry        *motip???

dihatimu   *uh...

cinta sejati   *jiwang sungguh,hahahaha

mengenangmu  *sedey sedey dan sedey lagi....huh

behind these hazel eyes  *sejak bila mataku hazel??

mimpi yang sempurna    *harap bukan mimpi,hahahaha

tak bisa memiliki  *tolong jangan main sebarang lagu-lagu, please!!!

25 minutes  *ya, masa itu emas

langit ke 7  *adakah?

getaran jiwa  *oldies,hahaha

sudah  *ape yang sudahnye neh??

bukannya satelit  *yea dan yea kita semua bukan satelit, mati itu pasti, sila membahagikan diri kita sama rata:)

thousand miles  *yeah, sangat jauh

terluka  *perempuan yang pelik, ketawa bila terluka

someday  *apakah dan siapakah someday???hahahaha

dan sebenarnya   *sila sambungkan dan sebenarnya..... ape??

tentang kamu   *siapakah kamu??

itu aku   *musykil, itu aku itu siapa?? hahaha

aku pasti datang   *heh?? tetibe jee..

this is how i disappear     *heh

ruang rindu   *sukee

 siapa ingin buat, silakanlah :)

okeh, sekarang sila turn off shuffle dan tekan on butang repeat untuk playlist bertajuk study!!!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

.things you don't know about me today-survey

teddy bear sapa la letak merata neh???
photo tiada kena-mengena dengan entry

amat lama tidak membuat survey_ayuh survey!!!

What is on your bed right now?
my self, laptop, bantal-bantal n cik selimut

What's your favorite word or phrase?
suka hati laa and err rasanya/ i think?

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
alisya and afikah(my lil cousin yg drop by ngn cik yah tadi)

What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
siap ke kelas

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
sedang balik ke bilik

What is your favorite holiday?
yg saya happy

Have you ever been to another country?

What is the last thing you said aloud?
wow hebat wow wow hebat hebat(lawan sorak)

What is the best ice cream flavor?

What was the last thing you drink?
air masak

What are you wearing right now?
tshirt labuh untuk tido

What was the last thing you ate?
bun kacang

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
amat tiada

When was the last time you ran?
last sunday(main pijak bayang-bayang dgn iqa)

What's the last sporting event you watched?
temasya olahraga tahunan

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
place i belong too..ngeeh

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace?
i dont myspace

Ever go camping?

Do you have a tan?
tan semulajadi,hahahaha

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
hope not

What is your guilty pleasure?
mengusik adik

Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?

What did your last text message say?
mama dah dekat nak sampai ni *(thats my mak cik)

Are you someone's best friend?

What are you doing tomorrow?
hoh!!! busy day

Where is your mom right now?
home and heart

Look to your left, what do you see?

What color is your watch?

What do you think of when you think of Australia?

Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
wish to try,huhuhu

What is your birthstone?
tak tahu pulak

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive tthru?
more concern on the food,hehe

Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?
i dont even have myspace!!!

Do you have a dog?
no, and wont

Last person you talked to on the phone?
my mak cik

Any plans today?
buat keje, cari bahan asignment, lipat baju, and bla bla bla

Are you happy?
elaborate the questin please??

Where are you right now?
hostel room

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
my otak and barang-barang saya serabut and messy

Last song listened to?
semua tentang kita by peter pen

Last movie you saw?
paranormal activity(yesterday), 1st 30mins i ended up tertido~ngeeeh

Are you allergic to anything?
err frog

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
selipar tesco color hitam corak love

Are you jealous of anyone?
hah? jap fikir..

Are you married?
not yet

Is anyone jealous of you?
how should i know??

Do any of your friends have children?
ya, some

Do you eat healthy?
hehehe~did i?? tanya balik kat diri sendiri berkali-kali

What do you usually do during the day?
bla bla bla

Do you hate anyone right now?

Do you use the word 'hello' daily?

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

How did u get one of your scars?
demam campak, seterika tangan sendiri-macam bengong jee

.cik kiki.
; j

Monday, 8 March 2010

.tag from cik ira

ini adalah tag dari cik ira.. 
oleh kerana cik kiki amatla busan menstudykan diri,
mari refresh otak sendiri,hehe
apa kata kita buat tag ini???
thanks cik ira

1. you have to print screen wallpaper that you used right now..
~ngeeh*malunya nak print desktop i yg amat semak..haha
i tend to letak semuanya kat desktop, haha senang nak click~ngeeh

2. tell us why you like that wallpaper..
owh.. itu gambar sy dengan my kakak sepupu (cik nini) yang lebih kepada kakak sendiri. suka, suka and suka lihat gambar itu*amat mengong2 dan tak berkarisma dgn mulut macam tuh. *lawaknya muka kalau tengok balik,hahaha (i selalu tukar my wallpaper)

3. tag 10 people
saya ingin tag sesiapa saja yang nak membuat tag ini;)

pengajaran dari tag ini: cuba rajin-rajinkan diri kemaskan desktop anda.

.cik kiki.
 tenkiu cik ira yg kiut..huhu;)

Sunday, 28 February 2010

.survey'my current life in 90 question

 aku kononnya,hahahaha

1. What was the highlight of your week? assigment??

2. Whose car were you in last? my pak su car, yesterday

3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? when i balek rumah next week, kiss mom

4. What color shirt are you wearing? black

5. How long is your hair? yeah, suda semakin panjang,huhuhu'amat sukee

6. Are you good looking? not at all

7. Last movie you watched? the times travellers wife, superb movie 'i dont want you to wait'*tagline nye

8. Who were you with? alone, my rumate ke sebelah

9. Last thing you ate? bubur kacang

10. Last thing you drank? teh

11. When was the last time you had your heart broken? when i cant buy satu novel yg i nak sgt, haha time to bajet'ngeeh*okeh, itu tipu.

12. Who came over last? owh tadi enot singgah skejap... sembang sat

13. Are you happy right now? entah,

14. What did you say last? 'babai' dekat enot

15. Where is your phone? sebelah neh

16. What color are your eyes? black, ada org kata sedikit brown.. entah

17. Are you left-handed? nope

18. Spell your name without vowels: st nrshkrh shm

19. Do you have any pets? yup,

20. Favorite Vacation? owh manyak,hahaha

21. What do you dislike currently? masa yg singkat??haha

22. What are you listening to? wake me up by sept by green day, owh

23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? hmm can i save this sampai i really need it??hehe

24. What is your favorite scent? lavender

25. Who makes you happiest? people around me

26. What were you doing at midnight last night? online'

27. When is your birthday? 15 december, hadiah please??haha

28. Who has the same phone as you? don know.. don care

29. Last time you went swimming in a pool? i cant swim,huh

30. Do you read your horoscope? sometimes

31. Where was the last place you bought something? mesin refill water yg air berperisa kat bwh... 80sen utk blackcurrant

32. How do you feel about your hair right now? amat berbangga,haha sbb berjaya simpan rambut

33. Do you bite your nails? sometimes

34. Do you have any expensive jewelery? amat tiada,haha

35. Do you have any expensive jewelery? heh, kan dah cakap tadi

36. Myspace or facebook? facebook,'ngeeh

37. How fast have you driven a car? haha,

38. Have you ever smoked? tidak pernah..

39. What was or is your favorite subject in school? english,huhu

40. Do you have Verizon? owh tiada' eh verizon tu hape erk?

41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for? thats subjective,hehe ngelat

42. Do you have any hidden talents? masih berfikir, ape eh?

43. Favorite Song? 1,2,3,4 and write you a song by plain white t, iris ost' amat sedey lagu itu,huhu, manyk-manyak, em ruang rindu by letto,

44. Do you like to sing at all? yeah, amat sukee..hahaha

45. Do you love your family? yeah, absolutely

46. Where does most of your family live? perak. owh ok, tapit di perlis.

47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? 3 other sib, 2 younger bro n 1 younger sis

48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? haha, sometimes

49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? 'dah pukul berapa sekarang?'

50. Do you drink? nopela kalu "drink" yg that type..

51. Know any other languages? pernah belajar arab n mandarin, tapi reti cakap, malay je..hahahah

52. Ever write a coded message? owh pernah2, zaman sekolah dolu2

53. Have you ever been IN a wedding? really IN belom pernah la,haha

54. Do you have any children? not yet

55. Did you take a nap today? owh belom sempat

56. Who has the same birthday as you? belom jumpa

57. Ever met anyone famous before? entah, rasenye belom kot

58. Do you want to be famous one day? tak terfikir,

59. Any Pet Peeves? utk masa neh belom ada,

60. Are you multitasking right now? ya, dengar lagu, makan kerepek, blogging

61. Do you like Britany Spears? nope

62. What is your least favorite chore? kemas my own room,haha

63. Last place you drove your car? heh, malas nak jawab dah..

64. Ever been out of the country? not yet

65. Where were you born? sg petani, kedah

66. Could you handle being in the military? amat tidak boleh,haha

67. What is your average cell phone bill? tak pakai bill

68. Who are you thinking about right now? hmm aida, my friend kenapa beliau tetibe sign out??

69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard? couldnt recall

70. How many pairs of shoes do you own? haha, next question please!!

71. Are your toes always painted? nope

72. How many piercings do you have? ear piercings only, tp tak pernah pakai subang, allergeik

73. What are you doing today? manyak

74. Have you ever been gambling? nope,

75. When is the last time you updated your page? tadi, wat survey gak.. owh sooo boring,huhu

76. Do you like rollercoasters? tak suke, but wish utk cube..haha

77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world? penang island pernah la,haha

78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? suka gitu2 je pada spongebob,

79. Last thing you cooked? masak laksa waktu balik rumah, cuti mid sem  haritu..haha, dah lama berlalu

80. How's the weather? panas and kemarau

81. Do you e-mail? kadang-kadang

82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? tertinggalkan kt libry, then satu enjels tolong selematkan,hehe

83. Last time you were sick? sakit perut kira tak??

84. What states have you lived in? penang.

85. Do you wish you could move? takla, i prefer usm dihatiku

86. Do you take all the quizzes? belum pernah try, later la..

87. What is your dream car? ntah, tak pernah fikir pon..

88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have? hmm..

89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? tido dengan my mom malam neh..huhu

90. Are you happy with your life? maybe ada banyak perkara berserabut yg aku perlu betulkan, atau ada sesetengah yang aku takkan dapat betulkan, but still, i chose happy..

.cik kiki.

.survey'getting to know me

Getting to know me. 25 questions!

1. Where were you 3 hours ago? club meeting

2. Who are you in love with? hmm

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? owh, maybe waktu tadika ku,hahaha

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? my modem

5. When is the last time you went to the mall? last week

6. Are you wearing socks right now? nope

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000? nope

8. When was the last time you drove out of town? i cant drive

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? nope

10. Are you hot? yeah, cuaca sekarang..

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? air teh + bubur kacang

12. What are you wearing right now? shirt

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? dont hink about it yet

14. Last food that you ate? bubur kacang

15. Where were you last week at this time? dalam bilik and online.. same as this week,huh

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? nope

17. When is the last time you ran? forgot

18. What's the last sporting event you watched? usm fc vs harimau muda, its suck

19. What is your favorite animal? cat?

20. Your dream vacation? with my dream one,hahaha

21. Last person's house you were in? my cik yah house, dari semalam till ptg td

22. Worst injury you've ever had? alhamdulillah belum ada

23. Have you been in love? hmm

24. Do you miss anyone right now? yup, a lot of lot

25. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? owh that too secret,ahaha

Thursday, 8 October 2009

.survey basic, fav, random

name:: siti nurshakirah suhaimi
age:: 20 to 21,hehe
birthday:: 15 dec 1988
where u were born:: sg petani kedah
currently living:: penang n perak
eye colour:: black
happy with it?:: ya
hair colour:: black
happy with it?: ya

food:: mak masak,huhu
colour:: green n blue
drink:: ape2 jea
number:: 5 and 8, em 7 gak
letter:: k for kiki,hehe
person:: sapa ek?
celebrity:: xde pon
country:: where my love ones is
game:: plant, tanam pokok ajaib
tv show:: manyak movie
song:: 1,2,3,4 by plain white t's, em write you a song, hehe manyak la
singer:: xda, dengar lagu bukan sebab penyanyi, tp sebab lagu yg bes..huhu, maaf
band:: hairband??hehe
clothing brand:: cantik, murah, selesa, tutup aurat
shoe brand:cantik, murah, selesa:
month:ntah, tak pnah terfikir:
day of the week:hari yang happy minggu
fast food:sume suke,haha
book:fiction mcm novel2 ajaib
cartoon:sponge bob,adik aku yg sukee
fairytale character:sleeping beauty, reflect my ownself yg suka tito,haha

this and that
coke or pepsi:coke
cat or dog:cat
basketball or football:football
obese or anorexic:or,hehe
chocolate or vanilla:vanilla with chocolate topping,hehe
adidas or nike:nike
blind or deaf:happy
fruit or vegetables:fruit
msn or yahoo:yahoo
myspace or bebo:blogger
black or white:green
money or love:love
love or friendz:both
cute or hot:cute
hot or cold:warm, wah nampaknya aku tak menjawab soalan
rough or smooth:smooth
colour or blk and white:colour
sky or sea:sky, dapat tgk bingtang, eh tapi kat sea bintang nampak cantik..huh

the last
time u cryed:3days ago,haha
person u called:mom
person who called u:mom
person u hugged:my fren
person u touched:iqa, my fren
person u kissed:kissed pipi asya(my adek) waktu nak mai sini
thing u said:yay
song u sang:dan by so7
song u listened to:bukannya satelit by elyana
movie u saw: final destination, download tenet nyer version, tengok ramai2 kat bilik..hih
time u ate:jap tadi, biskut jek
time u dyed ur hair:tak penah pon
time u had a shower:last nite, lom mandi neh..hehe bocor rahsia
time u cleaned ur teeth:pagi tadi

word assosiation
green:lungs campaign,haha
homeless people:kesian
mirror:on the world
ball:kaya ball, sedap..hehe
cat:pot2, my kucen ajaib

can you
kiss ur elbow:nope
touch ur nose with ur tongue:tak boleh
make ur shoulder upside down...i can:tak berani nak wat pon
sing good:haha
draw good:contengan ajaib leh la
put ur leg over ur head:hampir boleh,hehe
predict the future:takkan boleh
live without ur family:takkan boleh

star sign:sagi
nicknames:kiki, kirah, kakak, tayong(sebutan kanak2 utk kak yong,haha, shakira
siblings?:3 adik
if so..whats there names and ages:syafiq 19, syahrul 16, asya 8
any pets:yup, seekor kucen bernama pot2, nama penuhnya tellypot
if u were a crayon what colour would u be:green
is ur room messy:rite now, totally messy
glasses/contactz:both, agak rabun..

have you ever
skipped skool:hehe pnah2, manyak2
faked being sick:depan my ayah, tlg jgn bgtahu eh??
killed someone:dalam games?? consider tak??
read the WHOLE dictionary:tak pnah pon, tak mempunyai mental lexicon yg agak membanggakan masyarakat,haha
