Thursday, 30 January 2014

On life

" Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?"

The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore by Tennessee Williams

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, 25 January 2014


"This is dunya. Dunya. Not a place of ease. Only glitter.
The place where you have to feel cold and hungry.
The place where you have to worry and feel scared.
The place where it gets cold.
So cold, sometimes.
The place where you have to leave the people you love.
Where you can’t get attached, because even if you do, it doesn’t make it stay, it just makes it hurt when it doesn’t.
The place where happiness and sadness are only players, waiting for their next line in a play…
Competing for their place on stage.
The place where gravity makes you fall, and frailty makes you bleed.
The place where sadness exists, because it must.
And tears fall to remind you of a place where they don’t.
Where they just don’t." 

-Yasmin Mogahed

Source: Tumblr

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, 24 January 2014

Pintu tren

Dalam tren, berhenti satu stesen. Ada dua mak cik nak masuk,

Waktu pintu tren nak terbuka, salah seorang mak cik tu sebut,

"Yat insun mata aji semat insing"
(Macam dalam cerita ali baba P.Ramlee)

Lepas tu mak cik berdua tu ketawa.

Aku pun tumpang ketawa sekali. Comel HAHA

Sekarang nak dokumen-kan moment yang manis setiap hari. Apa moment manis korang hari ni?

posted from Bloggeroid